Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year! Goodby 2009, hello 2010. Looking out the window this morning, the world has the look of a new world, with the snow blanketing everything. Here's hoping that it portends a good change for most people in this new year. I will probably be going to Mystic to run with approximately 100 crazy people who will crawl through 5 miles and then jump into the chilly Long Island Sound. I always wonder if there is any benefit to chilling out warm limbs or is there a detrement? It does feel to me like a major washing off of anything that was bad in the last year. Since I do this most years, it has allowed me to enjoy the feeling of purity when I come out of the water (not that I should or would be considered that).
I know that only one person reads this, but I will put this down anyway. Happy New Year to my friends and family! Here is hoping that the year treats everyone well and that all of America has a better year than last. Hope to see everyone out on the roads and trails.

1 comment:

  1. I heard you all running by on New Years Day. I totally forgot about it!! So I take it your back is healed??? Run soon......

    and Happy New Year!
